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Fees for Whitewater Township Boat Launches


The following ordinance applies to the three boat launches owned by the Town of Whitewater: (1) Cruse Lane, (2) RW Townline Road/Chapel Drive and (3) RW Townline Road/Krahn Drive. Please note the fees and other details below.


The rules and regulations set forth in this ordinance apply for the management and control of the three public boat launch facilities in the Town of Whitewater: Cruse Lane, RW Townline Road and Chapel Drive, RW Townline Road and Krahn Drive, for all Watercraft (any device used and/or designed for navigation on the water.)

USER FEES   The daily fee shall be $4.00 for residents of the Whitewater-Rice Lakes Management District and $6.00 for non-residents. The annual fee shall be $20.00 for residents of the Whitewater-Rice Lakes Management District and $30.00 for non-residents. (Pursuant with Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Board Policy NR 1.91 (1t) (g)).  The daily fee, information on the annual pass, and reference to this ordinance is posted at all public launch sites, and fees collected shall be used for the purpose of operating and maintaining access sites. Launch collection envelopes and deposit box are available at each launch site.

FORFEITURES  The owner and or operator of a watercraft involved in a violation of this ordinance shall be liable for the violation. It shall be of no defense to a violation of this ordinance that the owner was not operating the watercraft at the time of violation. The forfeiture associated with a citation for violating this ordinance will be $50 for the first offense and $100 for each offense thereafter.

LIABILITY  Users of the public launch facilities do so at their own risk and, by allowing use of these sites, the town and district do not assume responsibility for damage to persons or property caused or contributed by use of the public launch facilities.


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